Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic type of massage modality that helps relieve pain, reduce stress, and work on a specific problem. Deep tissue massage is great at breaking down scar tissue and getting your blood circulating. It however, can leave you sore the next few days.

Hot Stone Massage
A hot stone massage is when we use heated smooth, volcanic rock throughout the massage to warm and relax your muscles. Your muscles melt to the floor it feels so good.

Abdominal Massage
Abdominal massage helps to release physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen and pelvic bowl. This, in turn, improves the flow of energy and fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems and prevents the progression of chronic disease.

Reflexology & Acupressure
Reflexology is a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head linked to every part of the body.
Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through "meridians" in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians. Pressure may be applied by hand, elbow, or with various devices.

Massage Cupping
Massage cupping is a technique that promotes health and healing in the body. It works by loosening the soft and connective tissues to break up muscle adhesions and scarring. It also stimulates the circulatory system to help the body transport nutrients and eliminate waste. We do four different styles of cupping. Magnetic cups may be used to help with inflammation, pain management and injury.

Sports Massage
Sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers. The particulars of the sports massage technique are specific to the athlete's sport of choice. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage is a wonderful and luxurious way to help your body adjust to the changes of pregnancy, promote homeostasis as well as prepare for labor. The ability to allow tired muscles to release and a busy mind to turn off are helpful skills to carry into labor and parenthood. It's also a wonderful time to connect with your growing baby.

Lymphatic Massage
Great for cleansing! It is a type of massage that encourages the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products (toxins) away from the tissues back toward the heart so your body can cleanse itself. Manual lymph drainage uses a specific amount of pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow. Massage cupping uses a very light suction providing drainage, while heavier application can be used to stimulate circulation, liquefy deposits of the layers of accumulation that is stagnant lymph, blood and debris.

The goal of massage cupping is to stimulate blood flow and nutrients to areas of your body that are dehydrated and stagnant. Your lymphatic system will start cleansing your body of heavy metals, old blood, and metabolic waste. The enhanced circulation to your tissues will use the nutrients to revitalize your cells to create the optimal functionality of your muscles and organs. Massage and cupping help your body with digestion, boost immunity, reduce inflammation, detoxify stagnant areas, calm your nervous system, and increase vitality.

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils for psychological and physical well-being. Essential oils are 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbs. We use them in our practice to have a more a more effective massage. We also do a clinical approach to essential oils using the Aromatouch technique. This 30 minute experience helps with stress relief, immune support, inflammatory response and homeostasis.